Fireye 45UV5-1000 Flame ScannerWe can offer you great assistance and pricing on the Fireye 45UV5-1000 UV self-checking, 1 inch NPT mount, 60 Hz. Use with 25SU3 and 25SU5.

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Fireye Type 45UV5 scanners are self-checking, flame sensing devices. When powered by a compatible, self-checking Fireye control, the scanners detect the presence or absence of flames which emit ultraviolet radiation (UV). Typical fossil fuels which emit UV include natural gas, propane, methane, butane, kerosene, light petroleum distillates and diesel fuels. For burners firing steam-atomized oil or pulverized coal, Fireye recommends the use of infrared (IR) scanners. Fireye offers a complete line of infrared scanners best suited for these applications.

The UV tube, quartz lens, power transformer and related electronic components are contained in an aluminum enclosure which is sealed with high temperature oil-resistant gaskets. The quartz lens is a planoconvex type which increases the scanner’s sensitivity up to 400 percent. A hinged mount is provided to permit easy access for cleaning the lens. A double screw-and-keyhole slot arrangement permits quick removal of the housing from its mount. The scanner has a 1″ fitting for mounting to a threaded sight pipe and a 3/8″ threaded connection for purge air.

Also included in the Type 45UV5 scanner is an electromagnetic shutter that permits a self-checking circuit within an associated Fireye control to verify that the scanner and signal circuits are producing valid flame presence or absence information. During the shutter closed period the detector’s optical path is blocked from flame radiation. While the shutter is open, flame presence or absence is detected. The resultant scanner output, while flame is detected, is a continuous, periodically interrupted pulsed flame signal. This is a prerequisite for energizing the associated Fireye control’s flame relay.

These Fireye products are used in the industrial and utility combustion market. System Components scanners sense the presence of flame in industrial and utility combustion chambers using fossil fuel burning equipment. When used with Fireye amplifiers and controls they provide a high degree of sensitivity and discrimination.

The latest in flame safety technology is the Fireye line of burner controls.  These combine safety, communication, and diagnostics into one compact, integrated, and affordable control.  Fireye works with a range of commercial and industrial applications: burners, boilers, furnaces, kilns, and more.  The energy conservation features significantly reduce unnecessary and wasteful purge related heat losses.  For newer style burners or old, TCI Supply will help keep you safe and warm.


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